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Reviewing Entertainment Contracts

Let A Houston Business Lawyer Do The Double-Checking

The entertainment world can be an exciting place brimming with opportunities. Perhaps you have been offered to star in an upcoming feature film? Perhaps you were recognized for your singing voice and now a music label wants you to produce an album? Or maybe it is the other way around and you are an agent recruiting bright, young stars?

No matter what goes on in the world of entertainment, you can bet there is a serious business contract tied up in there somewhere. Before you sign anything, you need to be absolutely sure you understand everything it says. The fine print is there for a reason – it is not just filler – and sometimes the most important aspects of a binding agreement are the easiest to overlook. Let me, Houston entertainment law attorney Patricia M. Davis, be the one to lend you a hand and a second set of eyes on your entertainment contract.

As an accomplished professional, I believe I should be your choice for legal representation because:

  • I have 35+ years of legal experience
  • I stand by my clients, no matter what
  • I provide knowledgeable business counseling
  • You work directly with me – no case is handed to paralegals
  • I offer personalized consultations

Do Not Sign Anything You Don’t Understand

A signature on an entertainment contract creates a legally binding agreement. Violating – sometimes called breaching – a contract is certain to come with harsh consequences, usually involving high payments made to other end of the deal. This seems to be especially true in the entertainment industry, as for every success story, there are dozens more tales of hardship. I believe most of those troublesome situations could have been avoided had a professional business law attorney been called upon for a thorough contract review.

Some of the details you will need to consider include:

  • Duration of contract
  • Payment (amount and frequency)
  • Expected quality of work
  • Projected sales of end product
  • Opportunity for contract renewal
  • Consequences upon a breach

Even though it is understandable to want to hurry into an exciting deal regarding music, television, or cinema careers, rushing too quickly is ill-advised. It bears repeating: do not sign anything you do not fully understand.

Let’s Get Down to Business – Call 713-936-9553 Today

Many entertainment contracts are extremely time-sensitive. People or parties in charge might not be willing to wait a long time, as other prospects could be waiting in the wings. It is important for you to act quickly and seek my professional counsel as soon as possible. I can ensure that you are not being exploited, and that no suspicious or unreasonable clauses are hanging over your head.

Contact me today before your potential opportunity slips away.